Our Vision

Center for Teaching for Biliteracy (C4T4B) Vision Statement:  The Center for Teaching for Biliteracy supports and advocates for the education of developing bilinguals: English learners/emergent bilinguals and all students in language development programs. This work is accomplished through the implementation of the biliteracy mindset and biliteracy systems. 

The hallmarks of our work are:

  • Differentiated services to accommodate each group of participants and each school/district using a growth mindset.
  • Inclusive, practical, and research-based approaches to biliteracy instruction that recognize and build on the cultural, linguistic, and academic repertoires of students and teachers. 
  • Collaboration with all stakeholders including teachers, parents, school board members, administrators, directors, community members, students, and others.
  • Creating sustainable systems that ensure optimal biliteracy instruction through program and curriculum development, advocacy, unit design, and other best practices for developing bilinguals.
  • The C4T4B works through a team approach with key stakeholders in the district in order to maximize the services offered.