Link to TWI in the News!
By Dana Hardt
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Hello Biliteracy World!
I just wanted to share some brief news footage from our Two-Way Immersion Program! One of our local stations found out about the program, and – looking for some positive coverage on culture and inclusion – asked to interview us. We love that we were able to contribute something positive to the news.
KOLO 8’s news coverage of Washoe County School District TWI
Look for my next blog coming mid-late April! I’ll be writing about how we use our Bridge Lists and Metalinguistic Charts throughout the school year.

About the Author: Dana Hardt
Dana Hardt is the English side of a Kindergarten/1st Grade Two-Way Immersion team in a Two-Way Immersion (TWI) school in Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada. A graduate of University of Minnesota, Dana has taught in Minnesota, California, and Nevada over the past twelve years. She holds a Masters of Education with an English as a Second Language Endorsement, and is currently working as her school’s literacy coach in addition to teaching K/1 TWI.
While not fluent in Spanish herself, Dana has strong beliefs in the value of bilingual education and is supporting her own two children on their journey to becoming bilingual and biliterate (while also picking up some Spanish). Four years ago, Dana made the shift from teaching in a monolingual classroom to teaching for biliteracy. The empowerment she sees in her students is fuel for her advocacy, support, and love of helping create bilingual, biliterate citizens!
Dana Hardt enseña el componente de inglés en Kínder y primer grado en un programa de inmersión en el distrito escolar de Washoe en Reno, Nevada. Graduada de la Universidad de Minnesota, Dana ha enseñado en Minnesota, California y Nevada por doce años. Posee un Masters en Educación junto con un título de maestra de inglés como segunda lengua,, además de ensenar Kinder y primer grado, está trabajando como especialista de lecto-escritura en su escuela.
Aunque Dana no habla fluidamente el español, ella cree en el valor de la educación bilingüe y apoya a sus propios hijos en el camino para hacerse bilingüe y biletrado (y por ende, ella está aparendiendo un poco de español). Hace cuatro años, Dana dejó de ser maestra en un salón monolingüe de inglés a enseñãr la parte de inglés de la clase bilingüe. ¡El efecto de esta perspectiva en sus alumnos la fomenta a abogar por crear ciudadanos bilingües y biletrados!